Personal Poetry Challenge

I have decided to challenge myself by setting aside thirty minutes every day for writing poetry. I have always enjoyed writing, but I haven't had much time to do it at all lately, primarily due to my hectic schedule. So I figured what better time to start than Christmas break, when virtually all obligations are nonexistant!

So I plan to take thirty minutes out of my day each day this week to sit in silence and basically meditate. I will write poetry based on how I'm feeling at the moment and also on whatever is on my mind. This should be mildly therapeutic, because the poetry will allow me to vent, thus eradicating the build-up of stress and tension, and allowing me to relax more easily.

I enjoy writing poetry, so I plan on using this challenge as an opportunity to practice and improve my poetry, as well as just enjoy being able to take the time to write it. I enjoy experimenting with poetry styles, so I will probably end up writing in a new style or form pretty much every day, from traditional ABCB-stanza poems to haikus to sestinas, and pretty much everything in between.

Although I won't set this as part of the goal, there will most likely be several days that I upload more than one poem, mainly due to the miniscule size of some types of poems, no matter how much hidden meaning there is to be read into each poem.

I also plan on writing a lot of what went through my thought process in making these poems, and possibly also writing about the forms of poetry I write and what parameters must be followed for it to be categorized as that kind of poetry, in case anybody who happens to read this would like to understand how to write their own version of a sestina or a villanelle.

I really look forward to to starting this challenge today, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. If it goes well, I may continue after the week is up.

See you later today when I post my first day of poetry!

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